list price


list price

pyyntihinta, myyntihinta, listahinta, ohjevähittäishinta.

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Englannin sanakirja

list price (englanti > suomi)

  1. suositushinta, ohjevähittäishinta recommended; listahinta listed

list price englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä The retail selling price of an item, as recommended by the manufacturer or retail distributor, or as listed in a catalog.

  2. 1870, w:Charles Reade|Charles Reade, Put Yourself in His Place, ch. 5:

  3. A respectable workman was with me yesterday, and objected that you receive from Mr. Cheetham a higher payment than the list price.
  4. 1966 April 29, ",9171,835454,00.html Autos: How to Pay Less for a New Car," Time:

  5. Paying the manufacturer's list price shown on the window sticker of a new car may be about as smart as snapping up an itinerant rug merchant's opening offer.
  6. 2009 Oct. 20, Motoko Rich, " In Book-Pricing Battle, How Low Can They Go?," New York Times (retrieved 23 Oct 2011):

  7. Publishers typically sell hardcover books to retailers at half the list price, while retailers set consumer prices.
